Friday 23 November 2012

Singapore-Mumbai ----Kane and Able??

Singapore—This little Island City never ceases to amuse me and frustrate me on multiple counts during each visit.. When you think that you have seen it all, there are new icons popped up where you never thought there is enough space,on many occasions you notice they have quite easily reclaimed Sea, MRT has expanded to new places  and some old landmarks go missing… amazingly, in spite of all the construction ,the Green cover and open spaces seldom vanish….The frustration stems from the inevitable but unjust comparison I tend to make with my beloved Mumbai….There are endless geographical similarities and limitations to both cities but they are at opposite ends of spectrum in terms of development , living comfort and discipline …the roads and footpath here are crowded like in Mumbai  but cars don’t honk and wait for signal , citizens use footpaths and walkways only and there is no Jay Walking .Even in heavy rush hour Cars STOP to let Pedestrians go first even if they are not on Zebra Crossing.
There is Rain almost daily and Thunderstorms quite routinely but City life seldom de-rails or stops, it slows down a bit to get back to normal soonest. Lesser we talk and compare  about the cleanliness is better.
The MRT is mostly underground in congested area and bus network beautifully complements the MRT covering entire city.I do have the soft corner for our BEST and Sub-urban rail network for the near impossible task they are doing but for the Political lack of will  and foresight hampering any improvement..

What is even more frustrating is that Asians and mostly Indians are leaving their Mark here also albeit in restricted way due to Fear Factor…. So you travel on Orchard Road  to appreciate the real Singapore and then you go to Serangoon Street and Little India to see Asian Flavor…Its dis-organized , comparatively dirty, everyone is Jaywalking whenever they have a chance, there is noise on the streets and in shops alike which you will not find on a crowded Orchard Street also. Its almost as if two different Singapore exist in one city…

So Everytime I visit this professional city ,I wish/dream that atleast in my lifetime I will see Mumbai emulating Singapore in small way…Its difficult but not Impossible!!

 I believe in the adage “Never Say “Never”….so I shall continue to be amused, amazed,  frustrated and still hopeful in all my future visits as wel!

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