Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Ship Of Theseus-- Indian Cinema at its Peak

That Aamir khan is a master in promoting his films is a well-known fact.So when he carefully chose social media to promote his wife's new production we knew its not a film for the masses but for a niche audience.
I wanted to see the movie but its limited release meant that I had to wait for a week to actually see it.What made it compelling and urgent was the fact that all and sundry in the film industry was praising it . Even the critics were competing with each other with flowery language in profusely praising this masterpiece.But we all know how these critics are 'managed'.For me the most important review or comment is from the like minded friend who has spent his hard earned money to watch the film and not the critics who are 'paid' to watch the film.So when my Doctor Friend wrote a beautiful blog(http://rajeshpusalkar.blogspot.in/2013/07/my-take-on-ship-of-theseus.html) on the movie, I knew I must watch this movie ASAP.
The only worrying factor was my recent experience of watching "Bombay Talkies" celebrating 100 years of Cinema... another much appreciated and critically acclaimed film( No critic gave it less than four stars....My experience was so pathetic that I thought its one star each for four stories).
So here I was with my fingers crossed with expectations and apprehensions .....

I must confess , I did not know about the meaning of the Title....Not till the End atleast

With the opening lines of the film itself my curiosity was heightened

What unfolds for next 143 minutes is so compelling, honest, intelligent, authentic to watch that one is extremely attentive and all eyes n ears(literally) throughout.

All the three stories are engaging in its content, treatment, camera movements , extremely natural acting,visuals n background score and independent as wel as  interwoven perfectly
The movie truely banishes the language barriers as the lead  protagonists in the first story is an Arabic /English speaking female,there is liberal dose of HINGLISH spoken in second and third story ( actually the certificate also says the language as Hinglish) as the stories unfold in Mumbai, then there is Swedish...Though there are sub-titles, the emotions and body language are far too superior to have any problem understanding it...
The idea of a Blind woman choosing Photography as her hobby turned passion and then holding an exhibition of her work in BLACK N WHITE only  for visually challenged people is fascinating.What makes it a believable  story is the liberal use of technological aid, her live-in friend helping her through and amazing amazing camera work.The camera literally speaks with the audience...the angles, the shaky movements are awesome. The continuous commentary of the friend, their arguments over which of the photos to keep or discard, the initial confidence and stubbornness of the Girl which is totally shaken n the dilemma she faces later on is extremely believable and logical....

This logical brainstorming argument is perfectly displayed in second story where a English speaking  monk Maitreya is fighting a PIL, seeking better treatment to animals used in pharma industry, is confronted by  his aptly named lawyer Charwak
,seeking answers and challenging the very  ideology practiced by the monk by asking  some straightforward ,brash ,sometimes unpleasant  questions .His struggle  to find meaning of past, present and after life...the kermic cycle..The contradictions faced by the monk , his resolve , his dilemma and finally his submission  are to be seen to be believed. The young Lawyer adds spice to the whole story with his  extremely logical line of thinking and questioning...This story is Intellectually Stimulating and the basic premise of a PIL against Pharma companies for not ethically treating animals used for trying the Drugs is used intelligently. The opening scene of a centipede is superb.
Again the DOP needs a special mention here as wel. Pankaj Kumar the cinematographer shows a totally different Mumbai. Each frame is a picture postcard. The way camera follows the Monk gives the story the pace, the impetus it needs....hats off!!!

The last story adds a bit of comedy by the way it is shot. Again, its treatment stands out.An enterprising stock broker who knows the language of only Money....seeks to get back a stolen kidney for a complete stranger after an emotional outburst by his Grandmother.....
.Walking that extra mile to help find the stolen kidney but realising that the person is more than happy to receive the compensation than actually wanting the kidney back...and his Grandmother telling him " beta , itana hi hota hai!!

Its not a commercial movie and hence it is slow at times . There are long pieces in each story where there are no dialogues and only soft piano(??) at the background for minutes and still you are engrossed and captivated....You do take some time to understand at the start of each story but secretly admire it after few minutes.
Aida Al-Khashef as a female protagonist of the first story is extremely fresh n natural....
Neeraj Kabi as Monk has literally lived his part and very wel supported by his young Lawyer (vinayak shukla)
Sohum Shah ( also aCo-producer) is sincere as Navin the stockbroker.

It was extremely pleasant and satisfying film viewing experience which was greatly enhanced by housefull ,knowledgeable audience who spontaneously clapped at the End.There was pin drop silence throughout with all in rapt attention. The Indian Cinema is truly at its peak with commercial as wel as out of the box cinema co-existing and flourishing side by side.

No amount of praise is enough for the Dirctor Anand Gandhi for conceiving this unusual storyline and depicting it with utmost conviction.And hats off to Kiran Rao for supporting such efforts without comromising on quality.Good production value makes it an even better experience...Its a must watch film for every person who loves Indian Cinema...

Lastly ......

Whether an object which has had all its components replaced, remains fundamentally the same object OR

Whether a ship which is restored by replacing all and every of its wooden parts,remains the same ship and the ship build by using these old parts is a New ship or an Old Ship